Air Namibia changes departure time to Accra


From 7 February Air Namibia will change the departure time of its flight from Windhoek to Accra, Ghana.

The departure time has been pushed up from 16h50 to 11h00. Departure time of the return flight (SW508) from Accra to Windhoek will remain unchanged at 22h50.

The earlier departure from Windhoek means the flight will arrive in Accra at about 14h30, allowing passengers to catch connecting flights without fuss.

Air Namibia passengers from Johannesburg will now need to take the 06h40 flights from Johannesburg to Windhoek to be able to catch the flight to Accra. The waiting time at Windhoek’s Hosea Kutako for Cape Town passengers will be reduced from eight to two hours. This change will also offer those passengers from Windhoek, Johannesburg or Cape Town to return the same day from Accra.

*All times stated are local times 

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