ASATA Column: Providing value to different generations


What do the 55-year old chief financial officer and the 25-year old sales and marketing director of the same company have in common? Chances are, not an awful lot.

The key to having a successful travel programme and happy employees is to understand and act upon the different needs and wants of your employees across the generational divide. That’s the word of FCM Travel Solutions in their latest white paper, The Generation Effect.

Did you know for example that your Baby Boomer generation, the employees over 60, attach a lot of importance to status and luxury, whereas the younger Millennial employee would much rather have an ‘authentic’ experience and blend in with the locals, even while away on business?

It’s not always easy for companies to maintain a solid travel policy while at the same time keeping their employees happy. And that’s exactly where your ASATA travel agent comes in to save the day.

The TMC will know that the Baby Boomer traveller in your company appreciates a ‘high-touch approach’. He or she will reach out to the employee at every stage of the booking and travel process.

Although Generation X (those born between 1961 and 1980) prefer to do their bookings online, your ASATA TMC can still provide great value. Your travel agent will ensure that breakfast and free wi-fi are included in the room rate and that the traveller has the latest tools at their disposal to capture expenses. And what about extending your trip with a few days’ bleisure?

The under 35s in your company still want very different things from their travels. They’ll opt for sharing rides instead of chauffeur-driven options and would happily swop preferred seating facilities for a spa at the hotel. Your ASATA TMC will tell them exactly which pubs at their destination are typically ‘local’ or which are the top Instagram spots through push notifications on their phones or SMS.

Otto de Vries

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