Australia launches online visa applications


According to Travel Buyer, South African passport holders can now apply online for Australian visitor visas.

Visitor visas are applicable for holidays, family visits and business visits that do not involve work in Australia. They are generally valid for three months, although this can be extended on request.

Applicants can access the online portal at under ‘Online Services’. The service will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Applicants will also be able to check the status of their application.

Once an application is approved, it is sent to the email or postal address provided. This verification can then be kept for travel to Australia. There is no longer a need to send through passports to the visa processing office. In cases where a visa has been granted, a visa label is not required in the visa holder’s passport, as the visa information is held electronically.

The Australian High Commission warns though that where collection of biometrics is required as part of the visa application process, the applicant will still be required to attend a biometrics collection centre, even if they choose to lodge an online application.

Applicants without the ability to lodge a visa application online are still able to lodge a paper application via Teleperformance or VFS.