Choose your travel agent like you would choose your accountant or lawyer!


Are you handling tricky legal matters by yourself? What about complicated accounting issues?

When you need legal advice, chances are you’ll turn to someone with an LLB behind their name who is a member of the Law Society. For accounting expertise, you’ll probably look for a professional with a CA acronym who is a member of the institute of Professional Accountants. There is comfort in trusting someone with acronyms behind their names. The same should be true for your chosen travel professional.

After years of preparation by the Association of Southern African Travel Agents (ASATA), travel consultants now have an opportunity to apply for the official designation of Travel Practitioner (TPrac) and proudly display this acronym behind their name. As a SAQA-approved professional body, ASATA is able to award this professional designation to consultants who participate in the ASATA Professional Programme, which requires consultants to update their professional profiles regularly.

The transactional days of the travel agent are long gone. Business travellers no longer need a travel order taker, they look for a specialist travel advisor who recognises their pain points and makes sure their corporate travel is not only painless, but also a pleasant experience. As a corporate road warrior, you want a travel consultant who is able to apply their knowledge, experience and expertise and who truly adds value to your corporate travel experience.

So, very soon you can start to look for a travel consultant who has the acronym TPrac behind their name or ask whether they are working towards this designation! The acronym TPrac is a stamp of credibility that indicates a level of professionalism and a willingness on behalf of the consultant to upskill and actively improve his or her knowledge regularly. This acronym will give you, the customer peace of mind and a solid reason to trust the expert you have chosen

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