Etihad changes schedule to North America


According to eTNW, Etihad Airways has announced a number of schedule changes to flights between Abu Dhabi and Chicago, New York and Toronto, effective 29 March.

Flight EY151 to Chicago (USA), departing from Johannesburg (South Africa) as EY6298, will move from a 09h30 Abu Dhabi departure to 03h40. 

The thrice-weekly service to Toronto (Canada), EY141 (departing Johannesburg as EY603), will depart Abu Dhabi at 02h50 rather than the current time of 10h25.

Return flight EY150 from Chicago will arrive in Abu Dhabi at 12h20, and EY140 (both arriving in Johannesburg as EY6299) from Toronto will arrive at 12h05.

The return flight from New York (USA), EY102 (arriving in Johannesburg as EY6299), will now depart JFK at 15h30. 

Passengers on the retimed outbound Chicago flight will continue to be processed through United States Preclearance at Abu Dhabi Airport, following the recent expansion of the facility’s hours of operation to include early morning flights to the U.S. 

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