GrandWest unveils water purification plant


Sun International’s GrandWest Casino and Entertainment World in Cape Town has announced the completion of a water purification plant on the property that will in future treat borehole water to potable standards.

The initiative got underway in February 2017 when the casino investigated feasible options to using potable water.

They commissioned a water treatment plant on site that includes four groundwater wells and a treatment plant with iron removal, sand filtration, reverse osmosis and stripping capability to comfortably deliver up to 10,000 kilolitres per month.

A Memorandum of Agreement was signed between GrandWest and the City of Cape Town to ensure that all water quality specifications and legal requirements were met.

Since implementing water-saving measures, GrandWest has used almost 50% less potable water.

In addition, the hotel has also taken other water saving measures.

These measures have included bath plugs being removed from all bathrooms; water flow reducers being fitted to shower heads; basins being fitted with faucet aerators; bed linen and towels only changed on request; non-essential back-of-house water faucets locked; all water fountains on complex shut down; urinal flushing set to its lowest level; taps in the public facilities shut down (only one operational); and hand sanitisers implemented in public facilities.

Further to that, many plant beds have been converted to water wise plant beds and boreholes drilled.

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