Airlink to commence Cape Town-Windhoek flights


Airlink will re-introduce the SAA code to scheduled flights operating between Cape Town International Airport and Windhoek’s Hosea Kutako International Airport in Namibia on 6 October.

Airlink will offer a twice-daily return service to Windhoek with morning flights departing Cape Town at 06h45, arriving in Windhoek at 08h50, then departing Windhoek at 09h20 and arriving in Cape Town at 11h25. Afternoon flights depart Cape Town at 15h00, arriving in Windhoek at 17h05. The return flight will leave Windhoek at 18h00 and arrive in Cape Town at 20h05.

These flights operate Monday to Friday with a further morning service on Saturdays and an afternoon service on Sundays. Flights operate on 37-seat Embraer 135 regional jet aircraft.

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