Understanding the NexGen Traveller


Understanding the trendsetters and future consumers of travel is fundamental to travel providers remaining innovative and providing customers with tools and technologies to satisfy their needs. The NextGen segment, aged 18 to 30, are the technology and social media savvy users set to be the heavy travel consumers of the future. Amadeus has identified three key themes to better understand NextGen.

The Smart Consumer NextGen are digital native and Internet experts. They feel fully empowered to build their own travel package, challenging the status quo of traditional experts. They are channel agnostic: online and offline should be part of the same seamless experience. Mobile apps and websites optimised for small displays are important for consuming information on the move. They prefer to be given a start and end point, finding their own unique path along the way.

Uniqueness Search NextGen travellers no longer wish to be treated as tourists, but rather as explorers. It’s more important than ever to have a differentiated offering that is creative. This reinforces the value of having a travel plan customised to their tastes and that provides a fulfilling and authentic experience. With NextGen travellers having their own views about what would make their perfect journey, brands can help by creating added value through collaborating with the consumer in a personable way. Brands that make NextGens feel special and unique, and offer trendy travel ideas and aspirational activities, can build strong rapport and trust.

Social Interaction 24/7 social interaction with friends and peers is an essential part of the NextGen traveller make-up. This implies the need for a change in brand interaction, from one-way communication to an interactive conversation, with the brand delivering relevant content to each individual consumer. Success cannot be gauged by the number of likes/followers a brand has, but on audience engagement. Travellers want content that adds value and supports them like a friend in a group would. This personalised interaction is key to relationship building with NextGen. With this segment and mobile penetration thriving in Africa, it’s crucial that travel agents understand these trendsetters and what motivates them, if they are to satisfy their needs as the heavy travel consumers of the future.

Santiago Jimenez
Director, Sub-Saharan Africa